If you want to come out of quarantine as a glowing Adonis, here’s the five best exercise tips and tools to help.
With the gyms closed, and the world in crisis, exercise doesn’t seem like much of a priority for most. It’s also the time where most of us are feeling guilt-free about not exercising. But, if you’re bored at home, what better excuse to start building muscle and come out of isolation looking as better than ever?
Regardless if you’re trying not to lose any of the muscle you gained before quarantine, if you’re simply looking to avoid that iso-atrophy, below are five of the best pieces of equipment to help you get there at home.

Photographed by DC Studio. Image via Shutterstock.
Rotating Push-Up Grips
When thinking about bodyweight exercises, push-ups are one of the first to come to mind. A great compound movement that works an array of muscle-groups, the push-up is one of the easiest and best ways to keep your upper body and core in check. The problem with the push-up is its relatively low ceiling. Once you’re experienced enough, you need to be doing high-reps to see results, it’s like an experienced lifter bench pressing the bar. If you’re looking to feel some extra burn without having to do 50+ reps, the rotating push-up grips are the tool for you. They allow for deeper push-ups, with the greater range of movement activating untrained parts of the chest and triceps. The rotation of the grips also activates your side-to-side stabilisers more (like obliques), and can take your push-ups to the next level!

Photographed by Goolia Photography. Image via Shutterstock.
The most versatile tool in the at-home gym, Kettlebells have swept the exercise world in recent years, providing a twist on the usual benefits offered by dumbbells. Perfect for curls, swings and light-weight lifts, the kettlebell really is a Jack of all trades. You can workout virtually every muscle group with a good kettlebell regime, and adding them to your home-gym arsenal will not be a mistake.

Photographed by George Rudy. Image via Shutterstock.
Ab Roller
If you’re like us, you dread exercising your core. There’s just something about ab workouts that are so uncomfortable and it’s difficult to find the motivation to say the least. Luckily, the ab roller has changed all of that. With just one move when performed correctly, the ab roller can activate almost every muscle in your core. And, with as little as 10 minutes using this exercise tool will have you so sore (in a good way) that you won’t want to sneeze for a week at risk of the pain it brings.

Photographed by puhhha. Image via Shutterstock.
Resistance Bands
When versatility enters the conversation, it’s tough to look past the resistance band. Another tool that can be used just about anywhere, and to work just about any muscle group, resistance bands are a simple invention – but one that can bring the burn to your home workout. We recommend them for a good lat row, or even for your trap shrugs.

Photographed by somdul. Image via Shutterstock.
Door Frame Pull-Up Bar
Ever wanted to master the pull-up? Now is the perfect time! Imagine the awe of your friends when you show them your newfound skill after isolation. Door frame pull-up bars are easy to install, and can motivate you to finally give them a go. The pull-up is one of the most valuable compound movements to master, and can see your muscle growth (particularly in your arms and back) really reach the next level.
Looking to expand your current workout regime? These five compound exercises are designed to build muscle. Or, if you’re not too sure what exercise is best for you, we’ve found 10 of the best exercise at home apps that will be sure to give you some inspiration!
Feature image: Photographed by Jacob Lund. Image via Shutterstock.