From getting fit to stressing less, loving yourself more, saving money and even changing your career – here is our list of the 10 best books you need for your 2025. The time is now!
The Best Book to Help Quit Smoking:
Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr
Quitting smoking is not an easy feat. In fact, nearly everyone fails to quit on their first attempt, and it could take up to 10 tries to fully quit smoking. If you’ve tried everything – from nicotine patches to going cold turkey – then might we suggest trying Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking. This book has helped many across the world to achieve a nicotine-free life. And Allen does it without all the negative comments about how smoking kills and how dirty of a habit it is. All it takes, he suggests, is to change your mind.
The Best Book to Help Getting Fit:
Exercised by Daniel Lieberman
So you want the body of a Hemsworth? Or just a simple swimmer’s physique? Whatever level of fitness you seek, there are thousands of books revealing all the best techniques. But Exercised by researcher Daniel Lieberman offers something much more fruitful: a fresh perspective. Did you know us humans never evolved to exercise? We are not programmed for treadmills and triathlons. And yet it is rewarding all the same! Well, paleoanthropologist Daniel Lieberman is here to help you enjoy getting fit by satisfying your curiosities. Keep your body, and mind, fit with this eye-opening read. One of the best books for New Year’s resolutions!
The Best Book to Help Losing Weight:
The Obesity Code by Dr Jason Fung
Losing weight is a very common New Year’s resolution, especially as we want to lose those Christmas and festive season kilos. But it isn’t as easy as we’re led to believe, with plenty of tricks and home remedies all telling you ‘this is the one’. Yet despite all the weight loss books out there, our waistlines are only getting larger. Well, in The Obesity Code, Dr Jason Fung has a theory: that being fat is caused by hormones rather than laziness. He reveals that an overproduction of insulin in the body is the root cause of obesity, and that slowing this process down is the key to losing weight for good. One of the best books to help you achieve your 2025 New Year’s resolutions for losing weight!
The Best Book to Help Travelling More:
The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton
Is travel more than just a much-needed break from the humdrum of life? Philosopher Alain de Botton thinks so, and explores this very question in his book, The Art of Travel. With the help of writers, artists and fellow travellers alike, Alain shares fabulous insights into everything from “holiday romance to hotel minibars, airports to sightseeing.” Reading through this tome will unlock a new perspective on the entire idea of travel, along the way helping you appreciate the small things for a more fulfilling holiday. So let’s make your New Year’s resolution of traveling more a little more of a reality than a dream.
The Best Book to Help Stressing Less:
The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson
There’s no denying that life can be pretty stressful. Work is either too much or too little, relationships are strained, and we are all stressed to the eyeballs! But, please, take a deep breath. We’ve got the solution in book form. Mark Manson’s The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is a refreshing self-help guide to stressing less. One of the best self-help books for men and women, Manson shuns the idea of just “thinking positive” and tells us to get real. The world is messed up and we can only live with it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be calm and happy again. One of our top picks and a must-read in 2025!
The Best Book to Help Saving Money:
The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape
We all have things we want to save for: a new house, a new car, a holiday, or even just paying off a mortgage. But life sure does make it hard. Yet when the idea of budgeting comes up, it can often feel like you’re under prepared. But fear not! Scott Pape’s The Barefoot Investor is all you need to save more money for the future. Using real life stories from everyday Aussies, Scott brings tried-and-true methods in all areas of saving – from house deposits to retirement. Add this book to your budget for one of the best finance books to read in 2025.
The Best Book to Help Living Happier:
Stop Thinking Start Living by Richard Carlson
Stressing less is one thing, living happier is a whole other ballgame. That is the main issue Richard Carlson tries to solve in his book Stop Thinking Start Living. Revolutionary in its profound simplicity, this bestselling self-help book argues that happiness is not an external gift, but an internal resource. To tap into this resource, however, we must learn to stop thinking too much and allowing our negative thoughts to hold court, and just live. It’s only hard if you think it’s hard.
The Best Book to Help Socialising More:
Social by Matthew Lieberman
Whether it’s getting closer with family or finding new friends, getting social is an important aspect to being human. Connections drive our understanding of the world. Of course, if you’re old enough, you should have all the tools necessary to be social. But what is the importance of it all? Matthew Lieberman’s Social posits that our need for connection is a primary driver behind our behaviour. If being more social is your New Year’s resolution, then this book will help you understand why.
The Best Book to Help Career Changing:
Life's A Bitch... And Then You Change Careers by Andrea Kay
Whether the flow on effects of COVID-19, or the prevalence of ‘quiet quitting’, the last few years have changed the way we view our own lives and careers, as many have sought out a new job. In Life’s A Bitch… And Then You Change Careers, renowned career consultant Andrea Kay offers a careers counselling session in book form, offering a methodical plan to make the great shift. Kay knows it’s possible for people in such predicaments to make a change, and in this book she offers her time-tested, nine-step program to show you how. Start your year on the right path, and achieve your 2025 career goals, with this informative read!
The Best Book to Help Loving Yourself:
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
The problem with all the previous New Year’s resolutions is that they focus on the flaws in our lives. The ones we want to change. And nothing good ever comes from focusing on our flaws. If loving yourself is as important as achieving your New Year’s resolution, then Brené Brown’s book The Gifts of Imperfection should be your next read. As Brené writes: “This book is an invitation to join a wholehearted revolution. A small, quiet, grassroots movement that starts with each of us saying, ‘My story matters because I matter.’
For more inspiring books to help you start fresh in the new year, read through our list of the 15 Best Wellbeing Books For Living Your Best Life. Or, opt for a life-changing experience at one of Australia’s Top 10 Best Bookstore Cafes to Read.
Need some new book recommendations? Something inspiring? Or just some books to help with your new year’s resolutions? Read on!
Ringing in the new year, now really is the perfect time to look ahead, planning out your aims and aspirations for the coming months. Are you looking to eat healthier? How about quit smoking? Or are you looking for a better work-life balance? While your previous resolutions may have not panned out as planned, fret not.
Perhaps what you really need is a fresh perspective on your New Year’s resolution. A way to look at it that isn’t all doom and gloom, like the boring prospect of saving money. Or the slight dread of getting fit. So, we’re bringing our bookworm repertoire to the rescue!